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Stained Glass Classes by Warren Acree – Session 2

17 February 2025

Stained Glass Classes by Warren Acree

Gilmer Arts is proud to offer classes in Stained Glass Art. The instructor is Warren Acree. He began creating in stained glass in 2008 and has been teaching for Gilmer Arts since the summer of 2018. The courses are designed to give the student a chance to learn the art of making stained glass designs without having to purchase any equipment or supplies.

This Class
  • Session II: February 10, 11, 17, 18

Class Levels and Times:

  • Beginner 1:  Noon to 3 PM
  • Beginner 2:  2PM to 4 PM
  • Intermediate & Advanced: Call to schedule.


  • Beginner 1 Ticket: $130 per session
  • Beginner 2 Ticket: $130 per session


  • Intermediate and Advanced students must contact the office for scheduling after prerequisites are met.
  • Ticket prices are per session and apply only to Beginner 1 and Beginner 2.

Detailed Description:
  • Beginner 1 – January 2025: 20, 21, 27, 28 : In the construction of two projects, the student learns the processes for pattern-making, cutting art glass into various shapes, copper foiling, soldering, and finishing the project. The two projects will be chosen from 6 designs ( 3 for each project). The first project consists of straight lines and angles and the second incorporates curves. The course consists of 4 – 3 hour sessions. Time: Noon – 3pm

  • Beginner 2 – February 2025: 10, 11, 17, 18 : In the construction of one project chosen from several different designs, the student gains additional experience in the art of stained glass plus learning pattern-making through enlargement of templates, incorporation of glass nuggets and wire overlays into the design, and utilization of zinc came (pronounced like the verb) for borders. This class is a good place for people with past experience to refresh their skills. Being that the designs are all different, this course can be taken more that once. The course consists of 4 – 3 hour sessions. Time: 2pm – 4pm

  • Intermediate – March 2025: 3, 4, 10, 11 : In this course, the student learns to use Morton Glass Work’s Portable Glass Shop tool set. The student constructs at least two projects. The course consists of 4 – 2 hour sessions. Time: TBD

  • Advanced TBD: In this course, the student constructs a lamp shade consisting of four repetitive sides. Through this project, the student learns pattern-making, jig construction, lamp assembly and finishing and lamp spider construction. Student is expected to have procured the basis tool set for copper foiling, perform part of the work at home between classes, and provide the art glass used for the project.. The course consists of 4 – 2 hour sessions. Time: TBD


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February 17
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
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Gilmer Arts Gallery
207 Dalton Street
Ellijay,GA30540United States
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