Submission Details:
We will accept photographic copies or emailed digital image files: (jpeg, JPG, PNG image files only: longest side NOT LESS than 1500 pixels. It is important we receive clear detailed images). Email image files to Gilmer Arts at or hand deliver photographic copies to the gallery by the Entry Deadline date, August 25th 2023. Be sure that the photograph for each work is clearly marked, including the Title of the work, the Artist’s Name and sale price.
Submission to the Gilmer Arts Annual National Juried Art Exhibition 2024 constitutes an agreement with all conditions of this show.
Gilmer Arts reserves the right to photograph an accepted work for publicity purposes. Gilmer Arts reserves the right to reject any
work not resembling the submitted entry, or work that is not ready to be shown according to the aforementioned specifications.
Completed applications must be received at the Gilmer Arts office by August 30th 2024. Please include entry fee payment.
I will participate and abide by the rules set out.